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AEW Dynamite Results for July 28, 2021


Tonight’s Fight For The Fallen was held live from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Tonight kicked off with a 10 Man Elimination Tag Match!

The Elite—AEW World Champion Kenny Omega, AEW Tag Champions The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson), & Impact Tag Champs (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows)


“Hangman” Page & Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & John Silver)!

“It sure looks like an all-star team to me,” said Jim Ross about “Hangman” Page and Dark Order.

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

Page and Omega squared off as the bell rang, but Omega backed off. Omega tagged in Karl Anderson. Page wasted no time knocking down Anderson. A donnybrook broke out as the ref lost control.

Dark Order turned the tables on The Elite and they stereo suplexed The Elite members. Alex Reynolds suplexed Nick Jackson onto a pile of The Elite outside! Dark Order took turns working over Gallows and Anderson with tandem offense!

Karl Anderson pulled the trunks of Alex Reynolds, pinning him. Reynolds was the first to be eliminated.

“Machine Gun” Anderson tried to talk his way out of trouble, but he was bounced around by Page and Dark Order. Grayson hit the Fatality on Anderson and pinned him.

John Silver hurled Matt Jackson across the ring! Johnny Hungee is back! Grayson and Evil Uno did combo offense on Gallows, but Omega ran in to break the count. Grayson connected with a star-twister press on The Elite, and it was a sight to behold! Grayson and Gallows battled amongst the fans, and they were both counted out by ref Rick Knox!

Evil Uno attempted a senton bomb, but Omega raised his knees to counter in the nick of time. He followed up with the V-Trigger and the One-Winged Angel and pinned Evil Uno.

John Silver speared Matt Jackson and hammered down with fists. Matt Jackson gouged Silver’s eye with a thumb. Nick Jackson tagged in a landed a leg whip on Silver. It wasn’t long before Silver turned the momentum on The Elite, using an airplane spin on Nick Jackson. Just prior to that, the Young Bucks powerbombed Page on the ring apron!

Omega blasted Silver with a V Trigger and dazed him with a suplex. Nakazawa set up a basketball net and The Young Bucks hit a Meltzer Driver on Silver on the outside, with Nick attempting to slam a basketball in the process. They pulled Silver back in the ring and pinned him.

“Hangman” Page was left to beat Kenny Omega and The Bucks on his own. Omega pulled off his basketball jersey and spat in Page’s face. Omega used a V-Trigger, but Page followed up with a forearm. The Bucks used superkicks on Page. Nick Jackson followed up with a 450-splash on, but Page kicked out!

Page knocked The Bucks out of the ring with clotheslines. Page followed up with a moonsault from the ring post to the outside of the ring onto Omega and The Bucks! Page got a near fall on Omega after a high angle powerbomb! Page hit both Bucks with the Buckshot Lariat and pinned Matt Jackson!

Kenny Omega grabbed the AEW World Tag Team title and tried to use it on Page, but Page countered with the Dead Eye. Omega kicked out! Omega retaliated with a pair of V-Triggers on Page. Omega finished off Page with the One-Winged Angel, finally pinning him!

“It took three men and a belt shot for The Elite to beat ‘Hangman’ Adam Page,” said Jim Ross.

Alex Marvez was backstage with “The Bastard” PAC.

Marvez asked where the Lucha Brothers were. PAC said someone cancelled their car at the airport. Andrade El Idolo and Chavo Guerrero interrupted the interview and said they booked the Lucha Brothers a limousine instead!

It was time for Ricky Starks’ celebration.

Taz introduced new FTW World Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks, who came out to the ring with a brass band playing. Hook and Starks danced to the ring. Starks said they got rid of the garbage when he beat “The Machine” Brian Cage.

“When I broke my neck, you didn’t even check up on me, Cage. So I realized you were a selfish guy, and you don’t know the meaning of team work, and I do. I also know what it means to be a star. And even when they stood you next to me, you still couldn’t get an ounce of charisma to rub off on you!” said Starks.

Brian Cage’s music hit, and Cage busted up a trombone and slammed a bass drum over the drummer’s head. Starks and Hook retreated.

A video played and Hiroshi Tanahashi announced he’d be challenging the winner of tonight’s NJPW US Title Match! Tony Khan has kicked open the Forbidden Door!

Up next: Santana & Ortiz (with Konnan) vs. FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood (with Tully Blanchard)!

Cash and Ortiz began the match for their respective teams. Ortiz used a side headlock takeover on Cash. Ortiz vaulted Cash out of the ring with one foot! Santana and Dax “The Ax” both tagged in. They traded snug forearm shots, followed up with knife-edge chops. Santana suplexed Dax and he and Ortiz hit the Three Amigos. The fans erupted in “Eddy” chants!

Santana burst into the ring with speed and cleaned house on FTR! He catapulted Harwood into the ring post and followed up with a tope con hiro on Cash on the arena floor! Ortiz crashed into Cash with a tope suicida! Santana booted Harwood in the face! Santana nailed Harwood with a frog splash for a near fall. Santana powerbombed Harwood for a two-count!

“Man, these guys are really getting it on,” said Jim Ross.

Dax dropped Ortiz with a closed fist right hand! Santana ran into the ring but Harwood DDT’ed him! Harwood impaled Ortiz with a brain buster and pinned him!

Tony Schiavone interviewed AEW Women’s Champion Dr. Britt Baker earlier in the day.

“With everyone gunning for me and Rebel, I think it’s appropriate that we get someone here who’ll always have my back. You’re holding my breath to fail. You’d better be prepared to suffocate.”

Tony Schiavone informed us that AEW GM Tony Khan has a major new live event planned!

The First Dance will be in Chicago at the United Center on August 20th for RAMPAGE!

Tickets go on sale this Friday!

Darby Allin was with Sting and Alex Marvez backstage.

Darby said there’s only one place for men to prove themselves and that’s in AEW…especially if they think they’re the best in the world!

IWGP United States Title Match!

IWGP United States Champion “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts) vs. Hikuleo (with King Haku)!

Archer blasted Hikuleo with strikes. Hikuleo followed up with a powerslam!

“This is bowling shoe ugly,” said Jim Ross.

Lance Archer displayed tremendous agility, walking the top rope and flipping down onto Hikuleo. The fans went wild!

Archer was looking for the Blackout, but Hikuleo had it scouted. Archer still managed to superplex Hikuleo into the ring! Archer drilled Hikuleo with the Blackout and pinned him!

Archer will now have to defend his title against Hiroshi Tanahashi!

Alex Marvez attempted to interview “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes backstage about his match next week. Cody was ambushed by Malakai Black! Cody was knocked down by Black’s knee!

“Welcome to the House of Black,” said Malakai.

TNT Champion Miro said that next week “God’s Favorite Champion will fight Lee Johnson!”

A Trios Match was next!

Hardy Family Office—Angelico and Private Party—(Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy) (accompanied by Matt Hardy) vs. Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (accompanied by Marko Stunt) and Christian Cage!

Jungle Boy and Christian Cage showed off their team work with a double arm drag on Angelico. Jungle Boy followed up with a beautifully executed dropkick on Angelico.

Matt Hardy decked Jungle Boy on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Angelico stomped on the sternum of Jungle Boy and tagged in Isiah. Private Party double teamed Jungle Boy as ref Aubrey Edwards was distracted.

Luchasaurus tagged in and decimated Private Party and Angelico, stacking them up in the corner. Luchasaurus suplexed Private Party and Angelico at the same time—all three members of the opposing team!

Jungle Boy used a tope con giro on Kassidy and Angelico on the outside. Luchasaurus choke slammed Marq Quen, and Christian Cage finished off Quen with a frog splash for the pin!

After the match, The Blade sucker punched Christian Cage with the brass knuckles!

Thunder Rosa vs. Julia Hart (with Varsity Blonds—Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr.)!

Thunder Rosa rolled up Julia for a near fall. She followed up with a leg sleep. Julia was waving and clapping at the fans when Thunder Rosa pulled her down and then chopped at her. Thunder Rosa charged at Julia with a big clothesline in the corner!

“I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone as naturally tough as Thunder Rosa,” said Jim Ross.

Thunder Rosa attempted a dropkick in the corner, but Julia Hart dodged it. Thunder Rosa grabbed Julia Hart’s leg for an ankle lock submission, but Julia grabbed the ropes. Thunder Rosa finished off Julia with the Fire Thunder Driver for the pin!

“As impressive as ever,” said Jim Ross.

Main Event Time!

The 5 Labours of Jericho: Chapter 2—No Rules Match!

“The Painmaker” Chris Jericho vs. Nick “F’n” Gage (It’s MDK, All Day)!

MJF joined the commentary team for this match.

Nick Gage swiped a pizza cutter at Jericho’s arm! Gage planted Jericho with a spinebuster! He headbutted Jericho on the outside of the ring. Gage superplexed Jericho, holding on and then following up with a falcon arrow for a near fall!

Gage was looking for his running boot, but Jericho countered with the lion tamer. Gage rolled out of the ring and Jericho followed him.

“They’re going to war,” said Excalibur.

Jericho was driven face first into the ring post by the deathmatch king Nick Gage.

Nick Gage pulled out light tubes from under the ring. On the opposite side of the ring, Jericho pulled out his baseball bat. Jericho swung the bat and Nick Gage countered with a back breaker. He pulled out the pizza cutter again and carved into Jericho’s forehead! Gage put a steel chair on Jericho’s head and elbow dropped it.

Nick Gage set up a pane of glass into the ring. He propped it onto two steel chairs. Gage put Jericho under the glass and was about to smash onto it himself when Jericho popped up! Jericho climbed the turnbuckles and broke Gage through the pane of glass with a hurracanrana!

Jericho went for the Code Breaker, but Nick Cage reversed it and spiked him into the broken glass. Gage broke light tubes on Jericho’s head!

“This is insane! Why won’t Jericho just stay down?!” said MJF.

Nick Gage used a piledriver on Jericho into the glass! Gage used the end of a broken light tube and gouged Jericho’s forehead! Nick Gage pulled more light tubes out from under the ring. Jericho spat green mist into Gage’s eyes! He waffled Gage with the bundle of light tubes! Jericho followed up with the Judas Effect and pinned Nick Gage!

“Chris, as you sit there in more pain than you’ve ever been in in your entire life, I need you to listen to me. You’re a mess! You won’t get to wrestle me, especially after what I have for you in store for you for Labour Number 3. You have to face ‘The Juice’ Juventud Guerrera next week!”

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to AEW DYNAMITE: Homecoming, live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!


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